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An agent tool is an implementation of AgentTool interface. Below is the declaration of AgentTool interface. It extends from Java's Function interface. An agent tool also has a name and a description. Name and description will be passed to LLM to allow LLM to select the right tool to use.

interface AgentTool<REQUEST, RESPONSE> : Function<REQUEST, RESPONSE> {

fun name(): String

fun description(): String

To create a new agent tool, we can simply implement the AgentTool interface.

The code below shows a tool which adds two numbers.

A tool to add two numbers
data class AddToolRequest(val v1: Int, val v2: Int)

data class AddToolResponse(val result: Int)

class AddTool : AgentTool<AddToolRequest, AddToolResponse> {
override fun name() = "addTwoNumbers"

override fun description() = "add two numbers"

override fun apply(request: AddToolRequest): AddToolResponse {
return AddToolResponse(request.v1 + request.v2)